
  • Ph.D. Computer Engineering, University of Southern California, 2014
  • M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, 2011
  • B.S. Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, 2009


Dr. Lizhong Chen is an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University. His research interests are in the broad area of computer architecture, machine learning accelerators, GPUs, interconnection networks, and emerging IoT technologies. Dr. Chen is a recipient of National Science Foundation (NSF) CRII Award (2016), NSF CAREER Award (2018), Best Paper Nomination at IEEE NAS (2018), Best Paper Runner-up Award at HPCA (2020), and Chu Kochen Award (the highest honor from Zhejiang University, China). He currently serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC). Dr. Chen also served as a program committee member in top computer architecture conferences (e.g., ISCA, HPCA, DAC, MICRO (ERC), ICS, IPDPS, ICCD, IISWC, ISPASS), reviewer for a number of IEEE and ACM journals (e.g., TC, TPDS, TVLSI, TCAD, CAL, TACO, TETC, TDSC, TCSI, TODAES), and panelist of multiple NSF panels related to computer systems architecture. He is the founder and organizer of the Annual International Workshop on AIDArc (AI-assisted Design for Architecture), held in conjunction with ISCA. Dr. Chen is a Senior Member of the IEEE and ACM, and an inductee of the HPCA Hall of Frame.

Prior to join Oregon State University in 2014, Dr. Chen was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Southern California (USC). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from USC (advisor Dr. Timothy Pinkston) in 2014 and 2011, respectively, and B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2009.
